An original design created by Aimee Bonham for the 2012 Chalk the Block festival. Painting Assistant - Diane Conner with pastels. 45' x 8'
A "We Talk Chalk" painting done for client Verizon. Designed by Melanie Stimmel van Latum. Painting completed by Aimee Bonham and Lysa Ashley with tempera paints. 13'x10'
A We Talk Chalk painting done for the East Bridge Art and Music Festival in Owensboro, KY. Original Design by Julie Kirk-Purcell and painting completed by Aimee Bonham and Lysa Ashley with pastels on asphalt. 10' x 25'
Original design by Aimee Bonham created for the 2013 Chalk the Block festival at the Shops at Riverwoods. Painting Assistant Diane Conner. Tempera paints and pastels. 10'x 16'
An original design by Aimee Bonham created for the Living Arts Festival at Ratchaprasong in Bangkok Thailand. Tempera paints on sealed concrete. 8' x 25'
Original design by Aimee Bonham painted for the Kayenta Street Painting Festival April 2014. Painting assistant Steven Stradley. Tempera paints on asphalt. 10' x 20' Photo by Malea Scott
Created for the Chalk the Block 2014 festival. Candyland was an original design by Aimee Bonham. Painting Assistants: Diane Conner and Bob Bonham. Tempera paints on asphalt. 10' x 25'
Original image by Aimee Bonham. Created for the DocUtah film festival. Painting Assistant: Fiona Bonham. Tempera paints and pastels. 25' x 16'
Original Design by Aimee Bonham. Painted at the 2015 Chalk the Block Festival. Painting assistant: Diane Connor.